Alumni Awards

Hall Of Honor Recipients

  • 2004: Edna Butler, Dr. Leon Gilbert, Leonard Harper, Dr. Harry Macrory,

  • 2005: Charles R. Kimbrough, Shannon Lucid, A. LeRoy Taylor

  • 2006: Dr. Joy Beaver, Larry DeKinder, Tom Hoskison, Marvin Peterson

  • 2007: Dick Close, Gerald Dickerson, Jay Griffis

  • 2008: Earl Harris, Dr. Madalyn Long

  • 2009: Chris Chamberlain, Janis Dawson, Betty Nichols

  • 2010: Duane Cory, Robert Dillon, Lewis McClain

  • 2011: Don Kelly, Dr. Travis Mullins, Myra Schubert

  • 2012: Benny Braudrick, Justin Chrane, Mary Ann Keoppel

  • 2013: Randy Gordon, Jim Short, Anna Lee Unruh

  • 2014: Jerry Barton, Dr. Roy Dorris, Dr. Joe Garlett, McClure Twins - Jan Close, Jean Franklin

  • 2015: Dr. Peter Engstrom, Dr. Phil Moore, David (Kokomo) Pierce, Ph.D.

  • 2016: Jerry Biggers, Eva May Harper, Jeana Osborn

  • 2017: Dr. Kent Shellenberger

  • 2018: David Johnson, Grant Keeton, Dee "Longacre" Lott, Cecil & Frances Schwenke

  • 2019: Dr. Phil Archer, Phil Brown, Ed Forester, Virjeane Bayles

Hall of Honor Inductees

Jim Eason
Dr. Don Wentroth
Tim Haws
JoAn Wilson


David Stiles
Lendell Hamman
Jimmy McCollough

Go Bronchos!

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